You are growing and you need help. You have hired, or plan to hire independent contractors, freelancers, consultants or maybe hiring someone from an agency.
That is a great decision!
If you can, we believe that hiring contractors before hiring employees is the best move. This gives you an opportunity to only contract for what you need at this time, while you learn what skills you really need long-term.
Scroll down to learn the resources you get at this stage
As you might know, there are rules in the United States regarding who can be hired as a contractor vs. an employee. When hiring independent contractors, you want to make sure you are doing things correctly. Not doing it correctly could cost you a lot of money and heartache.
There are many things you need and want to know when hiring independent contractors, maybe even including where to find them.
Scroll down to learn the resources you get at this stage
At this stage of your journey, with Attaché, you get:
Resources for finding the right contractor
A contractor management platform
Self-paced training on hiring contractors
Templates to ensure your business and you are protected from unethical contractors
Templates to create your Statement of Work (SOW)
An organized and easy to find place to store everything
A method for managing contractors
A template contractors’ handbook
Advice along the way
Open office hours where you get your questions answered
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